Originally Posted by Crompsin
1. Hah. Which is why so many of my guys got laid by sweaty women wearing uniforms.
2. Boot camp does not equal USN BUDS training.
3. *snort-cackle-snort-turns-blue*
Yeah, those would all be lies. Hopefully everybody could smell the bullshit.
And I'm sorry, but the "we need females" line made me cackle.
Coast Guard guy told her the same thing. She and a male friend signed and swore in on the same day. Her signing bonus was double his, 12k. I don't know the real story because she had nearly completed her B.S. degree. Don't know where he was in school.
I think the bottom line is more and more pressure is being put on recruiters to deliver. The result of that is more and more often the recruiters are cutting corners to get slots filled.
I know I read an article sometime back where at least one recruiter was using his own urine to get clean UA's on would be recruits.
Originally Posted by Crompsin
Enlisted members who have jobs that don't deploy + possibility of joining and not getting a job that is non-deployable = logic to me.
Went back and read it again= still bad logic to me.
I don't see where you can respond to a statement that a person was lied to when told "you won't go to Iraq" with:
I have 3 friends in the Military who will never go to Iraq. 2 are Logistics and 1 is trainer. So not a lie.
And state:
Sorry, but you have a stupid friend if he thinks he signs up in a time of not one but two wars and won't fight. While possible, he should realize the reality.
But it does sound like you agree the guy's being lied to, just that he's stupid for believing it.