Originally Posted by Seaver
3 out of 4. Why do you keep ignoring me?
I have 3 friends in the Military who will never go to Iraq. 2 are Logistics and 1 is trainer. So not a lie.
No one person signed a contract which resulted in different outcomes. That is the key, they are specifically TOLD TO READ THE ENTIRE CONTRACT. I went through recruitment twice, both times this was carried out. For those who don't read the contract I have as much sympathy as a person who pays 20% interest on their mortgage, it's their own fault.
Sorry, but you have a stupid friend if he thinks he signs up in a time of not one but two wars and won't fight. While possible, he should realize the reality.
So you say you have three friends who will never go to Iraq, so it's not a lie...
you're saying someone else is stupid if they believe that if they join during two wars they won't go to war.
That logic seems to contradict itself.