Originally Posted by Crompsin
2 out of 3 ain't bad.
What were the lies about, anyway? Pay? Stations? Occupational specialty?
I'll assume you mean lies directed at my daughter recently?
"You're female so it not even legal for us to send you to Iraq"
"Look, you join, you get to boot camp and you find it's not for you all you have to do is ring a bell outside the dorm and you're on the next flight home. No questioned asked, we don't want you if you don't want to be there."
"You're female, we need females. The day you complete Basic you'll make E-4. E-4 will get you guarantied off base housing even being single. That alone can nearly double your pay."
I was lied to, my daughter was lied to. That's 50%... not 2 out of 3.