3 out of 4. Why do you keep ignoring me?
In answering a question by my little bro's friend, "You won't go to Iraq."
I have 3 friends in the Military who will never go to Iraq. 2 are Logistics and 1 is trainer. So not a lie.
No one person signed a contract which resulted in different outcomes. That is the key, they are specifically TOLD TO READ THE ENTIRE CONTRACT. I went through recruitment twice, both times this was carried out. For those who don't read the contract I have as much sympathy as a person who pays 20% interest on their mortgage, it's their own fault.
Fortunately, I was there and gave him more complete answers including, "It's entirely possible that if you were to sign up you'd be stationed somewhere in Iraq."
Sorry, but you have a stupid friend if he thinks he signs up in a time of not one but two wars and won't fight. While possible, he should realize the reality.