Originally Posted by Bill O'Rights
100% of the military veterans surveyed, were not lied to.
Granted...it's only two of us, so far, but that's still 100%. Statistics don't lie. They are...say it with me...facts.
I'm a Veteran, fours years Navy. I served starting 1983 and got my DD-214 in 1987. I was lied to back then regarding the ability of the Navy to retain me past the 4 yrs I agreed to serve. Granted they didn't keep me longer. But they lied none the less.
That was then, this is now. Now there's a war going on and they're having trouble finding people to fill quotas. They upped the age limit. They've lowered the minimum educational requirements. They're taking people with criminal histories they would have shown the door to in years past.
My daughter is currently in the Coast Guard. She finished Cape May this past summer and is stationed in Florida. She considered several other services prior to joining the CG. I sat down with her and the recruiters from the Navy and the Air Force. They both lied on several issues. The Navy guy couldn't even keep his lies straight. Don't think he was used to dealing with people who do their homework.
So that's the end of the 100% of that survey and that too is..say it with me... "fact."