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Old 02-01-2008, 02:08 PM   #60 (permalink)
Infinite_Loser's Avatar
Location: Lake Mary, FL
Originally Posted by ghoastgirl1
It's terribly insensitive. I don't agree with half the things you say on the board but I won't allow you to try to call my logic flawed on this particular subject because you deem yourself high and mighty because you have never gotten someone pregnant.
People only get upset over things they perceive to be true. Obviously you, at some level, don't believe what you typed out otherwise you wouldn't be up in arms over what I said. Contrary to what my signature says, I don't deem myself superior to anyone, but I do like to believe that I'm better equipped to make informed decisions and accept the consequences of those actions than certain people are.

Discussing abortion is a sensitive topic that you have chosen to handle in a less than gentle manner. I resent your views of me just "killing it because that was my flawed logic."
*Points above*

If you want flowery, sugar-coated words then you're definitely barking up the wrong tree.

I also resent your immaturity toward this topic.

I have nothing to prove to you. Think your immature thoughts and be on your merry way. I'm sure you'll respond in a less than tasteful manner proving that you're somehow right.
Okay... So let me get this straight. You're the one who became pregnant at 16 and ran off and got an abortion without notifying your parents because you "didn't want it" yet *I'm* the immature one? Mmmkay.

Notice I never once actually called you immature, but since you want to play that little game... Yes, I'm calling you-- And anyone else who resorts to having an abortion-- As immature. As many times as I say this, people either ignore it or try to make it much more complicated than it actually is; Either you have sex, accept the consequences of those actions and (wo-)man up and take care of any child produced as a result of those actions (Rape nonwithstanding, of course) OR you keep your pants on/stick strictly to self-indulgence.

Originally Posted by jewels443
It has everything to do with insensitivity. How can you care more about what happens to a fertilized ova more than for a woman, a living, breathing, thinking, albeit flawed human being?
Because the overwhelming majority of abortions aren't done for the well-being of the female, but for matters of convenience or because it would "ruin her life" (Hah! I wish, as a guy, I could get away with the "It would ruin my life" excuse). That's why.

And I don't believe *every* male on this board shares your lack of sensitivity.
Okay... Lemme' try this again. To discredit the opinions of someone based on the fact that they're 1.) Not a female and 2.) Never had an abortion would mean that you would have to discredit the opinion of *every* male and *every* female who hasn't had an abortion. Either you accept the opinions of everyone-- Not just those whom you agree with-- Or you accept none. You can't pick and choose >_>

Oh, and because I don't try to rationalize/excuse destructive behavior doesn't make me 'insensitive'.
I believe in equality; Everyone is equally inferior to me.

Last edited by Infinite_Loser; 02-01-2008 at 02:15 PM..
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