Originally Posted by dc_dux
Unless you think of course, that it is just more Democratic political grandstanding as you have suggested about some of the recent Congressional oversight efforts in the past year.
The above is what I think is going on with this issue. I have not read/heard/seen anything that would change my preconceived view on this.
I also think Democrats have been politically grandstanding on many other issues since the beginning of Bush's term. My test comes down to a basic question: What would I do if I believed what Democratic Party leaders say they believe? On most of the issues my actions would be far different than what Democratic leaders actually do. To a degree the difference may be more about the nature of all politicians (and I am certainly not a politician or diplomatic) and because I generally support Bush, the actions of Democrats stand out. But like I wrote in the past there are things the Republican Congress did during Clinton's administration that I did not support and felt was political grandstanding.