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Old 01-31-2008, 08:37 AM   #2 (permalink)
Well, my daughter is only 6 so it's rather hard for me to speculate. It would really depend on HER personality. I can sit here and spout lofty ideals all day long but in the end it really doesn't do any good.

Is she promiscuous? Is she an other-wise non-promiscuous kid who had an accident? Is she the kind of kid who maybe did this out of spite? It's been known to happen. These are all factors in the way I would deal with this situation; there are myriad other factors as well.

I could only hope to help her make a decision that is best for her based on the kind of person she is. I would hope that I had done a good enough job raising her that she understands the consequences and is able to assume some amount of personal responsibility. I would hope that she is attracted to men who have at least equal understanding of those consequences and responsibility. Understanding and accepting responsibility is certainly not a preventative--especially when hormones are involved. I remember those days all too well.

The point is, there is rarely--if ever--a single answer that will fit all scenarios. There's no way to predict the future; there's no way to tell what a child will be like when he or she grows up. You can only guide them along a path that will hopefully be a good one. So there's no way to tell how you can or should or even will react in this situation.
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