Originally Posted by Manic_Skafe
I wonder how many of you who so adamantly support the idea that welfare checks are handouts have actually considered the possibility that maybe - just maybe we pay taxes into these programs to help the poor better themselves because as a society, we need those people.
Have you ever considered how much it costs each of us when a bum sleeps in the streets? How much it costs us when the disabled can no longer provide for their families? How much it costs us when those people are driven to crime and all the other ills that befall the poverty stricken?
I'm not denying that there are those out there who are intent upon abusing the system - I'm just trying to make obvious the very real fact that as a society we can not afford to search for new ways just to say "fuck 'em" as if their issues are any less our problem because they're addicted to drugs.
I can only assume you misunderstand my points. Such as:
Hand up, not hand out.
If substance abuse is an issue I'm all for helping that person resolve that issue.
Personally I'm very concerned about the costs of the examples you give here. The human cost as well as the financial. I honestly think poverty is one of, if not the, biggest issue facing the US. But I also think simply handing out cash or benefits is a very short sighted, ill conceived solution.
My point is if you're drunk or stoned everyday and that's the reason you can't maintain employment, it's probably best to resolve that issue first prior to working toward other goals such as job training et el.
Myself I'd want to know that just as much as I'd want to know if the reason you're not able to support yourself was that you were trying to care for a seriously ill parent, child or spouse.