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Old 01-30-2008, 04:41 PM   #177 (permalink)
Originally Posted by Bossnass
I just did a cursory search to see what there was to see;

from "Tipping in America: How to Tip in the U.S."

And from the definitive source;,

And from one of host's linked articles;

So to summarize, most Canadians tip at least 15%, and the Canadian standard as referred to in that article is 15%. The established American standard is 15-20%. Higher for fine dining, as Host represents, but for regular dining, 15-20%.

The tipping standard for fine dining is 18.7-20+%, but I think there has been a lack of clarity that the OP was establishing tipping rates for finer dining.

Finally, for the average dining experience, it should be noted that Canadian servers are being paid a higher wage and earning comparable tips. As a result, the idea that tipping based on performance isn't offensive. I'll also reiterate that and most posters in this thread were in reference to average dining, not fine dining.
Bossnass, you've made an informative, well articulated post, however, if you are more correct than incorrect, in what you are telling us, what is all of this "noise", including in a prominent newspaper in western, and from sources around the internet?


Where is the restaurant? This reminds me of the old joke "What is the difference between a canoe and a Canadian?" "A Canadian doesn't tip."

Before anyone takes offence, I'd like to say I am a Canadian myself, living in Toronto. And I try to give adequate to generous (if merited) tips.

ekammin Dec 24, 2007 08:58AM
The Shitty Tipper Database

Number in Party 2
Date 12/04/2007
Restaurant One in the Keys
Location (City, State, etc.) Florida
Amount of Check 32.14
Amount of Tip 2.86
The Gory Details Fucking Canadians. Younger ones from Ontario. I would love to publish the assholes CC# but I won't be that evil. But I do wish them major sunburn on their white ass legs, to point of flaming blisters and 3rd degree burns.
The information is available in your country, and it is not just me, saying what I've said:

page 2 of 4=
How are you being served?
There's more to going out to a restaurant than the food -- something both patrons and staff can easily forget
Mia Stainsby, Vancouver Sun
Published: Wednesday, September 06, 2006

...."Some people feel servers have low status and [take the dining experience] as an opportunity to denigrate. I've been a waiter and had people do that to me. I don't see it in other service settings."

Many European and Asian countries aren't tipping nations. And in one of Lynn's studies, he found people from countries with more "extroverted, tenderhearted" cultural norms gave the biggest tips. People from countries with a "tough-minded, make-it-on-your own approach" tended to give less, he said, citing India, Hong Kong, Austria, Germany. Americans, he said, are the biggest tippers.

<h3>While Canadians tip about 15 per cent, up from 10 per cent in earlier decades, Americans tip an average 18 to 19 per cent.</h3>

"It's partly for social approval. The average keeps rising, because by giving an above average tip, it wins approval. Tipping serves psychological functions that we in the U.S. value more than Europeans. It's an opportunity to show off, conspicuously."

Some people, he says, simply feel obligated to tip and still others don't feel comfortable being waited on and sees it as an opportunity to reward and it helps alleviate guilt.

Don Guthro, director of the culinary program at the Art Institute of Vancouver's Dubrulle Culinary Arts, oversees training of the front and back of the house. "In Vancouver, I'd like to see the industry become a little more professional when it comes to service. There isn't a clear understanding of the responsibilities," he says. And diners don't have high expectations. "In smaller communities, it's more friendly and open-armed. In Vancouver,
everyone ends up being a number. The concern isn't individual. It's how many bums there are in the seats."

Today, servers have to understand that restaurants are in the entertainment business, says Richard Floody, chair of the B.C. Restaurant and Food Services Association and owner of TGI Fridays....
Blogs – short for web logs, or online diaries, are the ultimate in ...
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... the unnamed blogger who started the US blog ... Canadian—resident of our neighbour to the north, known for substandard tipping. ...
AP Centerpiece: Waiters' Tip Fight Grows
Sep 12, 2006 ... and undertippers tend to undertip; Canadians and Brits often tip 10 ... www.WaiterRant.Net · · Printable Version ...
Since all of the incidents referred to occured in So. Florida let me agree with the commentor who pointed out that So Fla. has a large number of foreign visitors who have a tendency to play dumb about tipping in the US despite the fact that their tourist guide books invariably explain American tipping (and the fact that it is a large part of the waiters income). Additionally, it should be remembered that a lot of Canadians vacation in Fla and they never seem to tip for anything. It hasn't been that long ago that I remember seeing signs outside of motels on US 1 suggesting that Canadians pass this place by, presumably because the owners were tired of hearing their staff complain.
Posted by: Michael Slater on May 20, 2007 12:41 AM
Majikthise : Ask a philosopher
It seems like a fairly widespread belief in American restaurants that African-Americans (or "Canadians" as some of the posters to and ...
Resolved Question
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Who are the Worst Tippers?
This is for all my Bartenders and Waiters out there. Who are the worst tippers? ( Indians, Blacks, Hispanics,Anyone from the UK) Let me know what you think! I hope this is not offending anyone! I worked in the service industry off and on for the past 5 years and it just baffles me on how consistent certain people are at being cheap!

I went to Mexico one time for a week and the resort seemed to have a lot of Canadians visiting. You can pick them out of course because they wear the Canadian flag on everything from ball caps to tube socks and their beach towels. They never tipped. The bartenders at the resort were great, friendly and worked their butts off, but I never saw one of them tip even a dollar. That's probably my only observation of Canadian gratuity habits though.

* 2 months ago
The worst tippers
myLot reputation of 55/100. delirioussk8er (116) 7 months ago

Has anyone ever been a waitress/waiter or a bartender in Canada? I was just wondering yuor personal observations on the best tippers and the worst.
My girlfriend has worked in Ottawa, Montreal Toronto and Cancouver and she made me a list of tippers from best to worst. Of course there have always been exceptions.

1. Americans - they better be the best tippers because their money is worth more! I guess tipping in the states is just more understood? Maybe they like to look like big shots? Whatever the reason, thanks american!

2. Italians, especially the males.

3. People who work/have worked in restaurants

4. Middle aged, english-canadian business men

5. Homosexuals

6. 20 something males, english canadian

7. 20 something females, english canadian

8. Families with grown children

9. Middle-aged French canadian men

10. 20 something males, French-canadian

11. 20 something females, french-canadian

12. families wiith young children

13. middle aged english canadian women

14. government workers

15. New to canada asians

16. senior citizens

17. middle-aged french canadian women

18. Natives
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