Originally Posted by Leto
Okay, I'm a fairly level headed guy. But I'm starting to get annoyed with the Pot calling the kettle black.
Originally Posted by silent_jay
Pot, this is kettle com check over. Is this the same America talking about learning another countries system, fuckin hilarious, oh darn an ugly tourist type, better to be referred to that than as an American.
Guess being an asshat and not knowing what the hell you're doing is rewarded in America, wait of course it is, look at the man in charge.
I think you guys are confused. While ustwo make speak with a certain swagger, he does not in fact speak for the certain portion of american tourists who behave badly. As far as i can tell he is just one person, so all this pot and kettle business in response to him calling out poorly behaved canadians is intellectually lazy.
I would also like to request that if you do tip, tip in canadian dollars.