Originally Posted by Wikipedia
Culture jamming is the act of transforming mass media to produce commentary about itself, using the original medium's communication method. It is a form of public activism which is generally in opposition to commercialism, and the vectors of corporate image. The aim of culture jamming is to create a contrast between corporate or mass media images and the realities or perceived negative side of the corporation or media. This is done symbolically, with the "detournement" of pop iconography.
Culture jamming is based on the idea that advertising is little more than propaganda for established interests, and that there is a lack of an available means for alternative expression in industrialized nations. Proponents see culture jamming as a resistance movement to the hegemony and homogenous nature of popular culture, based on the ideas of "guerrilla communication".
Culture jamming's intent differs from that of artistic appropriation (which is done for art's sake) and vandalism (where destruction or defacement is the primary goal), although its results are not always so easily distinguishable.
I added the bold part.
JJ, what you are describing is more counter culture than culture jamming per se. While they both can stem from the same origins they are ultimately two different things based on the part I have bolded in the quote above.
However, regardless of the intent, I still suggest that mass, consumer culture thrives on the inventiveness of counter culture. Counter culture is the farm team for the mainstream.
All of those who would envisage themselves as being counter culture in an effort to change "the system" (and the existence of a "system" is highly suspect to me) should have a long look at how consumer trends are created. There is a reason why punk is embraced by the mainstream these days and it is the same reason that haute couture eventually makes its way into JC Penny.
If you want to destroy consumer capitalism, the way to do it is to redically conform. Stop being a trendsetter. Stop being cool. Stop buying into the bleeding edge of culture. You are just feeding the cycle.