Q: What did Jesus die for?
In school I was taught that Jesus died on the cross in order to take away the sins of the world. I didnt really understand it back then, and I wasnt especially interested either.
Well, Im interested now, but I still dont understand it. In what way would the death of God's son have anything to do with each person's share of guilt? Did God need a scapegout, so that the rest of us could be dispensed? Do WE need a scapegoat? Are we to blame for the death of Jesus and if so is that particular sin also taken away by his death? Well, as you can see i am quite confused. Whats your take on these questions?
(Of course it all makes perfect sense if viewed from the philosophical angel, i.e. that Jesus just wanted to give an exampel of how to lead an impeccable life. He stayed true to his principels of non-violence etc. no matter what the cost. But right now I am interested in the theological problem).