i guess the worst travel incident was almost missing a connecting flight at JFK. we were an hour late getting out of Providence and the crew assured us we had plenty of time to make the connection. we landed at gate 28 IIRC and the connecting flight was at gate 5 which was about 1/2 mile away. we were half way there when they announced absolute final boarding. i grabed the carry-ons, which weighed about 40 lbs, and made a mad dash the final 10 gates. got there as they were about to close the doors. the tickect person tried to get me to board but i refused to budge till my GF got there. sounded something like this: "must...*gasp ..*wheeze....wait....*gasp..*gasp..*wheeze... girlfriend....*gasp..*cough...*wheeze...right behind.....*wheeze..*cough.. *gasp....me...."
i ended up holding up the plane for another 5 minutes or so but we both made it. i think we were somewhere over Ohio by the time i caught my breath.