she txtd me today and said something about it's not that she's not interested, it's cause we live on different sides of the city (it's a really big city) and cause she works weekends she worried it'd be hard to see each other. So I told her yeah I just wanted to see what happens and if we can't make time for each other then it's cool. She replied sayng "alright we'll see how it goes, we'll make plans as soon as i figure out when I'm not working

Balls in her court, in the mean time I'll continue seeing other girls and see what happens with the others.
Originally Posted by allaboutmusic
Don't chase a girl around. If she says she can't make an agreed time, suggest another. If she says she can't make that, tell her to call you when she's free and don't call her again until she does.
Yeah that's my plan with girls. It's weird getting back into things having to play games after being in a relationship for a year where 0 games were played.