TFP noticed this film and watched, and yet somehow the zeitgeist on TFP is to hate Ron Paul? I think that in itself blows me away just as much as the film itself.
Look at this article (state of the union):
And watch this video (David Rockefeller fears Ron Paul):
NOT ONE OF THE GREAT ISSUES?!?!?! GWB is proposing a plan to fix the economy! The Fed cut interests by 3/4 of a point! Who is Rockefeller kidding?! (btw, 150bil is *nothing* compared to the 555bil GWB pushed for a few months back to spend in Iraq... GWB is such a joke)
There are just way too many signs that show how real all of this is; how can the TFP still be ignoring it? I'm sorry but I'm feeling more and more desperate every day, and I don't know what to do.
Ron Paul is being shut out of the media completely now, even though he is still one of the top 5 candidates. I had to vent somewhere.
Oh yeah, and you can't fix rampant inflation with even more rampant inflation--all that does is delay the inevitable.