will: i appreciate your desire to find a way to "even up the odds" in as far as the rights of the male to have knowledge of whether he has impregnated a woman he has been sexually active with. I can't speak for other men, or really other posters in general, but I can definitely sympathize with your position. If I got my girlfriend pregnant, I would want to know for sure. Although I'm pro-choice, I don't know how I'd feel about her getting an abortion, and particularly without my knowledge. I'd be interested in any information, of a non-anecdotal nature, of the number of otherwise healthy relationships in which a woman seeks to have an abortion without telling her boyfriend/husband/partner. I will admit that I have markedly less sympathy for the position of a guy who hooks up with a girl on spring break or the equivalent (one night stand), resulting in her becoming pregnant if she then proceeds to want an abortion. That type of sexual behavior inherently carries risk, and I don't think I'd feel the same way as if my girlfriend, with whom I have a pretty solid relationship, were to become pregnant. I'm wondering, in a nutshell, how much of a practical problem this particular issue is. I've known women who have had abortions, and in pretty much every case, the guy has known. He might not have liked her decision, although in most cases he was ok with it. Maybe not thrilled, but he respected her rights. Rights in the colloquial sense, if not the legal sense. Before I'd even want to speculate about possible changes to current law, which represents decades of fighting for this right for women, I'd need to feel compelled to believe it was a common problem. Otherwise, it looks to me like - regardless of your motivations - what it will turn into is another way to prevent a woman from exercising her rights.
fta: I can somewhat understand your position. I didn't mean confusion for you personally, but in the general sense as a population. The issue is far from settled as a society. Therefore, as I said, I default to the rights of the person I can definitely confirm is, in fact, a person. I don't think there is much confusion as to whether the pregnant woman is a fully-realized human, outside of questions of spiritual and philosophical enlightenment.
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