Wow, this forum has been amazing to my inquiries about getting an IUD. I do have a question however;
I'm 18 and I've been with my boyfriend for about 4 years now (we are each other's firsts and have had no problem committing to each other, now and for life hehe) and just recently we had a little condom incident that ended up in a Walgreen's pharmacy at 12:00 AM for a box of Plan B. I spoke to my mom about this and she told me we should tell my gyno about getting an IUD. How likely is it that some gyno will actually be willing to do it? I'm not a big fan of the idea of medicinal birth control (I'm tempermental enough as it is, I don't want to further intensify my already emotional rollercoaster hehe).
Besides the incident, I'm not a big fan of condoms period.
So, how likely is it I'm going to find someone who'd do this for me?