Originally Posted by dc_dux
Many/most pro-choice advocates who believe all aspects affecting a woman's choice is absolute will never buy into your proposal. I think you know that. But I dont sense a willingness to compromise on your part. You want that man to have an ABSOLUTE right to know.
I was looking for a political solution that might be acceptable to both sides of as a reasonable accommodation to the man....less than you want, but better that nothing.
My suggestions already are compromise. Under my ideal system, all abortions would require a paternity test and the state would contact the father. I'm suggesting, as a compromise, that if a father asks he can find out.
Your proposal, a system in which the man can only know if the woman wants it, is absolutely useless. She can currently just tell him and show him the bill. In other words, your proposal isn't compromise as it's already in place.
Are you abandoning your argument that my program would cause a spike in abuse from men, or are you still arguing it?