Banking for frequent travellers?
Well, I've signed on with a company finally, and will begin my job in June.
As usual, I'll be receiving my paycheck every two weeks, along with my per diem checks.
Unfortunately, my job requires a lot of relocating, 18 months on average, sometimes more, sometimes less.
What I'm unsure of, is how this will effect my banking. My checking account is set up in CT right now. Living in PA as it is screws me when it comes to banking, as my bank has no branches in this area. Starting in June, I'll be relocated to Texas, then Louisiana withing 6 months time, and then most likely to the Carolinas shortly thereafter.
Is there an easy means of taking care of the banking situation for frequent travellers? Or am I going to have to be frequently transferring accounts from bank to bank just to deposit my paychecks on a routine basis?