The idea behind African, Native, Hispanic, Irish, and so forth in front of the American title, is NOT for segregationist or elitist means. The original poster, and those who share the same aggressive bias do so out of prejudice and lack of deeper thought.
The reason is to celebrate the original ancestry, which shouldn't be forgotten of any culture.
America is the melting pot of all types of races, creeds, cultures, heritages, and so forth. So why not celebrate the different people's that make this country what it is?
I am black, and find some of the opinions here very prejudice. Otherwise, consider this.
Why are we so emotionally attached to labels? What one considers one self, should be personal on to that person. Otherwise, why do we bother ourselves with labels.
The fact that many of you argue "why African or whatever American", and chastise the use of those labels...but then refer to the group you are talking about as "black people" and "White people". This is a blatant hypocrisy.
How about you actually exercise your mind, and not worry yourself with stupid and trivial nonsense.
Male, female, black, white, Hispanic, rich, poor...Who cares. These are labels, and one of the stupid distractions civilization has created against itself, and in avoidance to issues that truly matter.
The end.