Originally Posted by dc_dux
Nice anecdotes, but completely unsubstantiated by medical studies.
You don't think that abortion can and has caused stress or emotional problems for some girls/women?
Originally Posted by dc_dux
In fact, studies by Reagan's pro-life Surgeon General Coop, the American Psychological Association and Royal Colleges of Obstetricians and Gynecologists among others have found that an abortion has no more lasting effect on most women's mental health than taking an unwanted pregnancy to term.
There is no scientific law about a specific occurrence's effect on someone's mental health because there are too many variables in psychology. What may be totally fine for one person could cause PTSD in others. As such, a ruling such as the one you listed above is irresponsible because it's misleading. For
some women, abortion can be much worse than bringing an unwanted child to term, thus making that ruling incorrect in some cases.
Originally Posted by dc_dux
To the more germane question.....IMO, a potential father should be included in the discussion over options, but men will never and should never have an equal voice or equal rights in a woman's reproductive decision......we/they should focus on a dad's equity in child custody battles (there should not be a presumption that the mother would be a better parent), adoption rights, etc.
I'm not suggesting an equal voice. I can't remember anyone mentioning equal rights. I created this thread because men have no rights. I'd like less than half, but more than zero.