Originally Posted by Crompsin
What? Rambo isn't stopping a 9/11-style attack in the states? EPIC FAIL.
He was actually on the planes on 9/11 raping the terrorists with their own box cutters, along with his own 4 foot long hunting knife. He was there to save POWs that were coincidentally on the planes, but his corrupt general is covering that up. Don't worry, Rambo'll get him.
He walked away from the crash with only a skinned knee and a pissed off look on his face because he carved out the inside of a boulder with his teeth (while simultaneously killing and entire corrupt Burmese military brigade), took it on the plane, and shielded himself and the POWs in it upon impact.
He then walked away with a solemn look on his face and a quiet, french horn soundtrack that communicates just what he's feeling: I'll kill more bad guys tomorrow, but I have to brood today.