Originally Posted by FoolThemAll
Get ready for Mr. Godwin... so the Holocaust was only a mass number of displeasing events? That's all it was, morally? (Hey, at least I didn't do the abortion=holocaust comparison!)
Are you forgetting the other meaning of murder, or dismissing it?
Well, if you need to call it murder for it to be a big deal, the you're kind of proving my point about the need to use the word "murder" because of the emotional weight it has.
But it does depend on perspective- i'm sure most military folk would disagree with you about the nature of murder in the context of war. The nazis probably didn't think it was murder. That's the point- labeling a certain act a murder is just another way of saying that somebody got killed in a way that you consider to be unjust. The fact that you want to call abortion murder reflects more on your opinion of abortion than it does on the merits of abortion. It's just a way of framing the argument, an unfortunate way because it relies more on appeals to emotion than reason, but i guess that type of thing is unavoidable when discussing morality.