I think that these discussions, at least in my experience, are never fully well scripted or timed. You just sit them down in a situation where they can't get away, tell them that you need to discuss something with her and that the important thing to you is enabling better communication and closeness in the relationship. You want to fully understand her, or some such idea, and that this has been bothering you. You love her. You accept her. You're not attacking her. It's very important that she understand that. You just want to understand her, and there are no wrong answers or statements. Make it non-confrontational, and if she loves you and knows you love her, you should be able to discuss it. But don't take little horseshit evasions...that solves nothing.
Or you could use a magic marker to put two little dots on your dick. Tell her you were bitten by a rattler, and she needs to suck the poison out or you're going to die. Slash the tires on all cars in a 3 mile vicinity, and cut the phone lines. Disable email, and stage a riot. Y'all can't go anywhere, and you're going to die unless she sucks the life out of your magic wand. Maybe you can break her barriers this way?
You don't love me, you just love my piggy style