Originally Posted by TotalMILF
Don't you want to know that your hard-earned tax dollars are going toward what they are supposed to, not drugs or alcohol (or Louis Vuitton handbags)??
I dont want discriminatory policies.....either test ALL recipients of federal aid and assistance or none.
Originally Posted by Ustwo
This problem is growing not shrinking.
If the problem is growing and not shrinking, why do you attribute it to the welfare program rather than other policies implemented over the last seven years which have resulted in a rise in the number of families in poverty.
The welfare program underwent substantial reform in 1996 as a result of a collective effort of Bill Clinton (much to the chagrin of many of his supporters) and the Republican Congress.
In general terms (with some exceptions) the
Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (welfare reform act) ended the welfare entitlement (the federal guarantee of assistance to the poor), requires recipients to find work within two years or perform community service, mandates a minimum of 30 work hours per week (for parents with children over age 6), imposes a lifetime limit on receipt of aid, requires greater state enforcement of tracking down deadbeat dads, and rewards states with financial bonuses for reducing their caseloads.