Originally Posted by Ustwo
People are stupid.
Stupid people sign up for experiments that pay money.
Stupid people then find out they have cancer or the like from said drug.
But stupid people signed a release form, so its all good right?
Many laws are to protect stupid people. I don't agree with this because I enjoy reading Darwin awards, but thats how it is. If this were allowed then stupid people would sooner or later be exploited by taking something that turned out to be very bad for them but sounded good in the lab.
I think the FDA could do a lot to speed up how these things go, but right now you won't see anything where just anyone can sign up for an experimental drug without a LOT of prior testing.
If they're stupid do we need them around?
If we had to deal with survival of the species we'd have a lot less stupid people running around, messing things up for the rest of us. I seriously think that stupid people are costing the non-stupid people in terms of all sorts of bad habits/decisions including the impact on health care from poor health habits as an example. Or driving 8 mpg SUVs with no one but themselves inside.
Why should we protect stupid people if they can't protect themselves? And I think many laws are around to protect companies from stupid people, not to protect the stupid people. Who cares if someone spills hot coffee in their lap. Do you really need protection from that? Or the warning signs on ladders that tell you you might get hurt if you fall. That's liability, not protection of the stupid!
And back to the original point of this thread: if I'm dying and there's even a slight chance that a new drug will help me, I'd bettter have the right to fork over my own money to experiment. I mean, what are they going to do - give me the chair? It's my business, my life and my money covering the cost.