Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru
Your lack of compassion is alarming, unless I'm mistaken. If you want to end this "war," what do you propose instead? Do you want to poor to get even poorer, or would you rather reintroduce debtors' prisons, perhaps?
Corporations need workers, and they can get them from the welfare class. Welfare isn't permanent for everyone, you know. There are many who use the system for around two years or so. So, in answer to your question, the welfare class provides a pool of workers if corporations would be willing enough to make enough jobs available.
I hope you aren't assuming that no one on welfare wants to work, and bear in mind that up to a quarter of welfare recipients are so because of disabilities. It can be hard to find work when you're physically limited.
Spare me the compassion bull. This white guilt has created a permanent welfare class unable to function on their own (see Katrina) with alarming crime rates, because by throwing money at the problem we have destroyed the black family (for example, this just out yesterday 4 out of 5 black children in Indiana are currently being born out of wedlock, this was much lower until the welfare state was established), and replaced the father with the state. Only problem is the government is a crappy dad.
This problem is growing not shrinking.
So yes I'm sure there is a segment on welfare that is trying to find work and some with claimed disabilities really can't work, so lets separate them from the vast herd of dependents.
I'm not saying cut these people off right away, but fund no further children, focus on training and education, and get their future generations off the government tit.
Of course that would require they don't all vote for democrats and that 'compassion' is really just buying votes at the cost of these peoples future.
Race is far more of an issue for democrats, and far more devastatingly exploited than all the harm things like the KKK ever did. Murder, crime, fear, ignorance, hopelessness, the product of 'compassion'.