Originally Posted by Fotzlid
i just find the whole hyphenated thing completely rediculous. if one is a naturalized citizen, then yeah, throw the hyphen in there. otherwise i see it as either an attempt to create a sub-grouping for special consideration or as a statement that a particular culture is superior to the one someone grew up in.
granted, this may very well be because i am a tad bit older than you and i didnt grow up with these sub-groupings.
I was between 9 and 17 during the Clinton Administration, so yes I suspect that had something to do with it.
The "African-American" label has been around for a while (remember "Afro-American in the 70s and 80s?), but was only used as a term that was intended to be the least offensive in the early to mid 90s. Unfortunately, according to my learned black friends, this was taken by the black community as coddling. Many black people find the idea of such a term overkill and offensive because of that.
This is why I mention that generally the most correct term for 2008 is simply "black".