Originally Posted by willravel
African (the homeland of ancestors) American (current home). I'm German-American. I used to date a gorgeous woman who was Filipino-American. One of my best friends is Indian-American (not Native-American).
It's a perfectly reasonable way to identify someone's lineage and current status.
BTW, most of my friends who are "African-American" feel that "black" is perfectly fine so far is separating people by skin pigmentation.
i just find the whole hyphenated thing completely rediculous. if one is a naturalized citizen, then yeah, throw the hyphen in there. otherwise i see it as either an attempt to create a sub-grouping for special consideration or as a statement that a particular culture is superior to the one someone grew up in.
granted, this may very well be because i am a tad bit older than you and i didnt grow up with these sub-groupings.
edit: Baraka_Guru - thanks for the clairification.