Originally Posted by willravel
Unless you're arguing to determine the nature of a fetus being a parasite or symbiote on a case by case basis, then you're in for an incredibly difficult time.
I think that it wouldn't be inaccurate to say that all unborn children fit the definition of parasite. Whether they contribute to the continuation of the species is irrelevant to whether they are parasites, since the continuation of the species doesn't necessarily have anything to do with providing a benefit for the host.
Also, parasites harm the host. Unless you call morning sickness and mood swings harmful, a fetus does not fit the definition.
No, parasites don't contribute anything to their host. They need not necessarily harm the host. In fact, it's probably in their best interest to do as little harm to the host as possible. I suppose the ideal parasite would treat its host like a national park should be treated. As parasites go, unborn children are pretty good.