You forgot to mention the 5th place showing in SC with 4%.
The only remaining question is if Paul can demonstrate a capacity to get more than 10% on a consistent basis...particularly with other candidates dropping out and with most of the remaining primaries being closed (where Independents cant vote).
I dont think so...but we will see in Florida and the Super Tuesday states where he is still polling at an average of about 5%.
The question I have is what do the Paul supporters do next unless you still seriously think he has a chance to win the Republican nomination.
Should he run as an Independent or as the Libertarian candidate and sacrifice his position in the Republican party, squander all that money and still lose?
Or should he invest all that money in a longer term strategy to build a new third party or attempt to transform the Republican party?
"The perfect is the enemy of the good."
~ Voltaire
Last edited by dc_dux; 01-24-2008 at 04:07 PM..