Originally posted by 4thTimeLucky
I would really like to know a bit about your wife's views on handshakes. In particular,
a) what she feels is offensive about a man extending their hand to a woman?
b) what is her advice/attitude in business situations, where the handshake seems to be an essential start to any introduction?
I really don't mean to pry or change your "world view". I think its great that we're all different and a little more cleanliness would do the world no harm at all.
She is a VERY private person, and keeps all her medical maladies to herself, and I follow her wishes. Therefore, she's not going to tell everybody, "I'm sorry, I can't shake your hand because I might die from it depending on where your hand has been." And it's a little pointless to hear from others how we should just pick ourselves up by our bootstraps, get over it, and smother our bodies with dirt and grime. Not gonna happen.
She is also very concerned about using other people's pens and pencils, so I keep a pen in my pocket that no one is allowed to use. Therefore, when someone hands her something to sign, she grabs my pen out of my pocket because she knows it's clean.
I got a PM that suggested when we see someone coming to our table, we should grab something off the table (glass or utensil) so that our hands are filled with something and we are unable to shake hands.
And I really like Marco's suggestion.
Sorry if I sounded grumpy in the "pissed off" reply, but it was an honest reaction.