Originally Posted by JinnKai
As a member of "your" generation, I cannot believe that you "don't understand the generalization." I think it's perfectly apt, and I'm visibly shocked when I meet someone in our generation who is NOT a spoon-fed over-privileged brat with an entitlement complex - especially in my college cohorts. Think honestly about peers of your age (not just your friends, all same-age peers), and decide honestly if you feel the generalization is unfair.
I get two weeks off a year, and that's exceptional for the average US employee. Being upset that a full-time employee doesn't recognize your atypical vacation schedule as essential seems to hint that you do indeed have privilege that you're failing to recognize.
I realized what you meant, should of explained it a tad better. Most of my friends at Texas Tech were either on Scholarship or on loans, and their parents didn't have much to do with paying for their school. Like me they had to work the previous summer to save up for spending money. My parents pay for my school but expected me to work for my spending money.
I see the other people in the different peer groups you mentioned with the really nice things in life like Chanel bags, Gucci purses and all that glitzy stuff. Parents buy them Mercedes etc. I do see those other people who are my peers, I guess I just don't' associate myself with them because those are luxuries I don't have and never had. I have Fendi purses I bought on eBay but I paid for them straight outta my pocket. I suppose the status symbols for the different peer groups are the differentiating part. Not saying I'm ungrateful, on no no. But I see what you mean.
Abaya, thats a good perspective on the vacation schedule. One thing I would like to mention though about this particular situation. When you're looking to hire college part-time students, spring break and most of the other breaks come into play. So it should be expected they'll want the time off. Not all, but those who typically have plans. I just think it would be common sense is all.