Originally Posted by willravel
How about this:
1) The father is notified upon completion of the abortion. He's not given say but at least is aware of the procedure.
Unworkable I'd think. The woman would have to give your name, and if she doesn't want you to know she just won't give it. If you 'force' her to give the fathers name the feminists will eat you.
2) Fathers who disagree with the abortion are given the opportunity to be added to an adoption list.
Eh? So a woman you had sex with had an abortion of your child without your consent so you are now on an adoption list?
3) Women who get more than a dozen abortions that are not connected to rape are put on a watch list. At 13 the court requires them to go into therapy and a sex ed class. Don't laugh, there are women who have gotten more than 20.
1 abortion?
5 abortions?
What difference does it make? If its not a human life, and if its a womans choice how can you limit it or call it a problem? Its just another form of birth control right?
4) Women who tamper with contraceptives or lie about being on the pill (and there's real evidence to support this) are guilty of theft. Men who tamper with contraceptives are idiots and will pay for any and all bills, be they abortion or child support.
A dirty trick, but damn hard to prove.