Originally Posted by abaya
And lastly, this comes from someone who has been in classrooms for the last 23 years, myself... yes, school is stressful and takes a lot of time, but it's still *just school*. I would say that many of us here (who went to college) look back rather fondly on our college years, remembering how "tough and hard" it all felt to us back then... never realizing just how much more demanding a real job would be.
I remember move in day at college freshman year at college. My dad came down and said something I won't forget. At the time it made no sense to me, but I'm going to feel the same way when my son goes.
He said 'You don't know how jealous of you I am right now.'
I remember it because it sort of baffled me at the time. Why would my successful father be jealous of an 18 year old with an uncertain future and all that 'work' to do.
Right now I owe the bank well over half a million on a business loan, if I fail this exam, I won't be able to just drop the class and take it next semester. Needless to say it would be awesome to go back to that level of 'stress' and 'work'.