Originally Posted by filtherton
It's not fair, but unless you're completely engrossed in your own biases you'd see that most things in life aren't. There's only so much good complaining can do, especially when there aren't necessarily any viable alternatives (besides outlawing abortion, which wouldn't necessarily do anything anyway).
This is bordering dangerously close to sounding like "Life isn't fair, so this shouldn't be either!" Maybe it's just me, but I find such a stance as purely evasive.
Anyway, I'm getting tired of the "Outlawing abortion wouldn't necessarily do anything!" lie. I've said this on previous threads, so I'll just copy and paste to save myself the hassle.
Before 1970, less than 1% of all pregnancies in the U.S. ended in abortion (Not including miscarriages). In 1970, 4.9% of all pregnancies ended in abortion. In 2003 about 23.9% of all pregnancies ended in an abortion. That's an absolutely HUGE percentage increase and, unless you're going to argue that before 1970 approximately 25% of the female population were self-aborting their unborn children, then I'm going to have to go out on a limb and say that the only progress which has been made is in increasing the number of people resorting to abortions per year.
Obviously, something is really wrong here when there were less abortions sixty years in the absence of contraceptives than there are today when there have to be no less than twenty different contraceptive methods.
Out of 211M pregnancies a year, there are approximately 46M (We'll say 27M safe and 19M unsafe) abortions done of which 68,000 women die (.36% of unsafe abortions result in the death of the female). If I'm understanding you right, you somehow believe that if abortion was illegal right now that suddenly we'd have 46M+ unsafe abortions per year? Ehhh... I highly doubt that. I've no doubt there'd be some unsafe abortions per year, but nowhere near the ridiculous amount of the number of total abortions we have today.
But, yeah, outlawing abortion would be a bad thing.
Originally Posted by abaya
And Will, I mean to say this gently... we all know that you just love to argue for the sake of arguing. You're not going to change the status quo, and thank goodness for that.
You mean
this status quo?
When the woman's health or life is endangered, or when the pregnancy was caused by rape or incest, more than three-quarters of the public favors the option of abortion. But support falls to 34 percent when the reasons for having an abortion are economic (for example, if a family cannot afford more children)... Over half of Americans say they personally consider abortion to be wrong. But nearly six out of 10 say Roe v. Wade should not be overturned, and a majority say the government should not get involved in the abortion issue.