Originally Posted by ghoastgirl1
I'd like throw something into this mix.
I went to go start a new job today at a Cat shelter. The lady whom I was planning on working for expected me to blow off my spring break plans for work and to work weekends with little time off. I told her I wasn't sure about the summer and if I'd be available to work following the end of the semester. She got very upset with me. I also mentioned my dad wasn't too crazy about me working there due to the drive. (20 miles away one way) She immediately told me that she needed to know right at that instant what my plans were. I went outside and called my dad and basically told him to tell me I wasn't allowed to continue working there and tell her so as well. My gut told me to leave and not come back.
I don't understand why she generalizes "my" generation of people with being spoon-fed, over-privileged brats. She doesn't know me or where I came from. I hope not all of the baby-boomer's have this opinion of the younger folks.
I can't believe you actually called your Dad to have him, "tell me I wasn't allowed to continue working there and tell her so as well". How about making that call for yourself?
I have interviewed many people of your generation for jobs and I have found, even here in Asia, a great sense of entitlement. I know this is a generalization but I can safely say that a high percentage of young people today (that I have encountered in various ways) don't have the slightest clue about hard work and sacrifice. I can also say that I also came across this attitude in great frequency with people my age when they were your age (perhaps it's a function of what it means to be in your late teens and early 20s these days).
A job is a job. You don't get to decide if you get days off for holidays. You only get to decide if you want to work somewhere or not.
Perhaps her berating you was a bit harsh. I am sure it wasn't easy to have someone tell you what they think of you to your face. I know I find that kind of situation very intimidating. I hope you take something away from it besides, she was an old cranky woman with too many cats.