Originally Posted by host
It is a mindset that seems to run this way:
"As long as we restrict a "bunch of them", from access to safe, legal, clinical abortion, we are not concerned that women with wealth can put themselves beyond our capabilities to block clinical abortion and other reproductive health services, from the "least of us", in our society".
Incorrect. There is no such lack of concern, only a recognition that "only rich people get to murder their kids" is better than "everyone gets to murder their kids". Put another way - and I'm repeating myself here - restricting a "bunch of them" is an improvement
but not by any means a finishing point. The concern would not be fully satisfied in the face of such an improvement.
It is a mindset that seems to me, to be...."Un-American"
Please don't do that. It demeans us all.
So, why are they even participating on this thread?
To put forth the idea that 'fairness' should not always be the first priority, that there are other ideals of more pressing importance.
It's directly on-topic.