I've no problems with contraceptives. They're there for a reason. Ironically enough, though, the number of abortions performed per year due to a 'purported' failure in contraceptives is significantly higher than the actual fail rate of contraceptives, which means that people are either 1.) Not using them and saying they did or 2.) Not using them correctly.
...But I digress.
Anywho, here's the kicker about abortion. It doesn't matter what was said prior to sexual intercourse. If a woman gets pregnant and wants the baby while the man doesn't, the man is forced to be a father. If a woman gets pregnant and doesn't want to baby while the man does, he's SOL. Now, unless you're completely engrossed in your own biases, surely you see something wrong with that situation.
Hence why I like extending the "If-you-don't-want-a-kid-then-keep-your-pants-closed" mentality onto women.
I believe in equality; Everyone is equally inferior to me.