Originally Posted by YaWhateva
That being said, raiding in WoW requires knowledge of the maps and how to use the maps and knowledge of the boss, plus the fact of needing twitch reactions in case something goes wrogn. Saying that one video game is more skillful than another is just not right, imo. They may take a bit of different skill (and teamwork), but it still takes skill. That was my point.
There is skill in WoW, but its design is such that equipment is more important than skill. All things being equal skill wins, but things in a game like WoW are rarely equal.
There is skill in raiding as well, but its more the raid leaders being able to herd cats.
I used to really enjoy in WoW playing my druid when things went bad since I could 'save the day' by taking over for the tank or the healer or whatnot, and my skill is what mattered there, but I couldn't devote days of my life chasing purple bits while being bored out of my mind.
To me, the skill is outperforming my opponent, and since mobs are dumb its PVP oriented. There is greater skill there, in my opinion as almost all PVPers are good at PvE but most PvErs are not good at PvP. They dont' do well with the random variable of human vrs human.