Originally Posted by BadNick
In case anybody wants to know the marital status of folks in zip code 11225:
That is some weird, wild, and wacky stuff there. I was looking at the proportion of men never married after 85 years, and it took me a minute, but do you suppose that's because widowers late in life tend to not outlast their wives so well, and thus a higher proportion of unmarried men who are otherwise predisposed to the right side of the bell curve actually achieve it, or do you think it's something to do with the generation that came of age between the world wars - guys who survived the Depression being less likely to marry if they weren't already or something like that?
There's also a dip in female mortality between 60 and 65 that puzzles me. No, wait, that's a dip in the instance of widowers. OK, still puzzled. Could it be that coming to the end of a career and a marriage at the same time would tend to remove one from the count, as it were?