Thanks, folks. InBOIL - I'll definitely check out that book. I lived with a 2 1/2' long Savannah Monitor for a couple of months in college (Psychotic room mate - also had two rattlers, a cobra, and a couple of hedgehogs), and well do I remember the stench of droppings. They can just be litterscooped out of a playsand substrate, though, yes? So the stink would not necessarily become all-pervasive?
Onesnowyowl - I'd really appreciate anything your friend can tell me. With fish, I started small and learned by trial and error (more than a few errors) to the point that nearly every room in my house has a tank, but I neither have nor want that track with reptiles so I aim to learn everything I need to know well in advance. I am hoping to present this to the girls as a birthday present in July, so I have six months to become an expert (only took me a year to get to be able to speak authoritatively on several types of tropical fish).
Light a man a fire, and he will be warm while it burns.
Set a man on fire, and he will be warm for the rest of his life.