Well, hell... I live right outside one of the most dangerous areas in the US for violent crime and the first thing I grab when I get jarred alive unintentionally are my balls. After a little self-love, I roll over and get the flashlight and the Mossberg 590 if the sound of breaking glass and crowbar-on-door-jamb persists.
I figure self-defense is like any part of being a good, prepared human. Ya know, just like keeping that spare roll of TP in your sock drawer or condoms in all of your travel bags. Plan ahead of time. Have different options. Practice those options so they're both second nature and you're actually good at them should the dark day arrive when you have to utilize your mad urban ninja skillz to neutralize some home-invadin' godless commie bastids.
I think the US should have mandatory baseball bat ownership. Everybody must own one... and qualify with it every quarter in a watermelon-smashing range.
Originally Posted by Tophat665
A bassoon, for instance. If it doesn't knock them out, it will confuse the suffering fuck out of them and give you a chance to hit them again.
HAHAHA! Yes, yes!
Excellent choice! I also recommend the
Skip-It (TM) as the preferred child's toy to be utilized as an improvised home defense tool. I think if you hit them right, you can keep track of how many blows you've landed with that little three-digit counter located on the side of the spinny portion.