Originally Posted by Tully Mars
Still seems odd to me that any party would openly give more power to certain individuals. To me that goes against exactly what the US is all about, or at least should be all about. One person, one vote. But the Electoral College, IMHO, gives people in some states more in power than those of other states.
The electoral college is a different story, and actually increases the value of
everyone's vote. Yes, there are negligible differences between states (differences which are rooted in our republican (not the party) system), but the most important aspect of the electoral college is that it increases the likelihood that any one person's vote can impact the outcome of an election. Your vote is much more likely to "count" when it's 1 of 30 million than it is when it's 1 of 300 million.
The more Bill lets loose with more bat shit crazy stuff the more he seems to suck Obama into to responding thus keeping him off his message. Really it's a brilliant, all be it slimly, move.
This seems to be true.