Originally Posted by dc_dux
The issue is not a president making mistakes...it is a president willfully and unilaterally determining his/her own executive powers without consulting, or even informing, the other co-equal branches of government. I'm having a hard time understanding your position.
We generally live in, like, parallel universes, yours is a glorious place where everything is done by the rules, everyone cooperates and everyone gets along. And when that doesn't happen things get all screwed up. In my universe rules are made to be broken, everyone does what is in their best interest and you have to watch your back.
Hence, if I am President and I want more power, I won't consult those I am taking power from.
Hence, if I take an action that I think is right and others think wrong - I am right until I am made to suffer a consequence.
Hence, if I am will to go to a further extreme than others to stand up for what I believe in - my point of view will prevail.
I hope that gives you a better understanding of how my views are formulated.