My news interests are varied, and my sources are:
1. The local county weekly - gotta know which couples are filing for divorce, which land tracts are being traded, and which county high school football team has the best chance next year! Plus, they give a great view of the county farm report.
2. The Tennessean - for wider news, not necessarily better written or more accurate. Their Corrections sections are often a whole two columns, six inches.
3. WSJ - when I can get it.
4. Fox/CNN/MSNBC - equal quantities of both. Perhaps I'll get a more well-rounded idea from all three?
5. BBC Online - for another take.
6. Japan Times and Bangkok Post - both online: for news of places I've lived and to keep up on the goings on there.
7. International Herald Tribune - for broader Asia news.
I use google search to keep up on current crimes and trials (a big interest) and also I just love Fark. Egads, can't get enough of some of their stories!
(none yet, still thinkin')