Originally Posted by Nimetic
I've had this done.
Seriously... it didn't hurt much.
Well maybe a little afterwards, and then in the wallet. But don't get put off, it looks worse than it is, at least (I think).
But I think you need to ensure you have a good dentist first eh. One who does this reasonably often. It helps I think if you have gone to the same guy/gal for a few years and trust them.
It sure hurts the wallet, especially when you usually need a crown afterwards.
I've had two over the years. Neither was bad except for all the time in the chair and having to go back. It was the same dentist. She gave a shot to numb the area and then gave several more right after and during the procedure. If anything it took forever for all that to wear off. Gas sure helps the process!!!! Some music doesn't hurt, either.