I am going to reserve my opinion until the OTHER bats he had are opened up and examined. If they are free of cork, I'll believe him.
Remember in 1994 with Albert Belle? White Sox order a suspicious bat taken to the umpires room, has the name Albert Belle right on it. Knowing he's screwed, the Indians send in a relief pitcher into the locked umpires room by way of the ceiling, with a replacement bat. The funniest thing is that its not even an Albert Belle model, cause ALL of his bats he has with him are corked. So when the umpires hit their room after the game, some other schmucks bat is there.
So, thats history, if it repeats itself, and all of Sammy's bats (or most) are corked, then I won't believe him. But if its just one or two, I will. We'll see.