Originally Posted by scout
Don't put words into my mouth, I'm not forcing anything or any sort of value system on you. I was merely pointing out what people want in all those blue states in between the eight or ten red states on either coast. As far as the government gimmes, I currently don't get any gimmes so you can take every single one of them and toss'em for all I care. By the time I'm old enough for social security and medicaid it will be broke anyway so why should I continue to be taxed for a failed system?
All depends on how you define "government gimme." Do you get a check in your account or mailbox once a month? I'm guessing by your comments that's a big NO. Are the Feds paying for your health? Again, I'm guessing no. But do you drive on roads you built? If you call will a fire truck come to your house? Police? Ever fly anywhere? Are you running your own sewage system? Water? Like the fact the military is able to defend you?